NeighborWoods Residents Interest Form 2021-22 season

Want an easy and inexpensive way to make your neighborhood a healthier, cooler and even more beautiful place to live? Plant trees!

Leaders in your neighborhood have asked the local non-profit TreesCharlotte to consider hosting a tree giveaway event in the 2021-22 planting season. If your neighborhood qualifies for a tree giveaway, residents will be allowed to take home up to three trees and three bags of mulch. All trees are in 7-gallon containers, measure 5-10 feet tall and are 3-4 years old. They range from large maturing to small flowering and would retail for $75-$150.

Residents are trained the day of the event on how to properly plant them. The trees are free for neighborhoods whose median value is $182,000 or less, $10/tree for homes b/t $182,000-$500,000 and $20 for homes over $500,000.

Right now, TreesCharlotte is simply gauging neighborhood interest. If you are interested in participating in such a program, please fill out the simple form below. Doing so does NOT commit you to taking any trees, but it will help TreesCharlotte determine whether your neighborhood is a viable NeighborWoods candidate. A formal signup form will go out about three weeks before the actual event.

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