#023 Oriental Arborvitae (Platycladus orientalus)

This Oriental Arborvitae stands onsite with three other original Treasure Trees: #051, #052 and #068. The house on the property was built in 1926, although it is unlikely that this tree was planted at this time. It is suspected that Ms. Feeny, the home’s former owner and a horticulturist, planted the tree in the mid-20th century when she populated the two-acre property with specimens that came from Asia. This tree is in poor condition and appears to be missing its main leader.

Statistics (1994/2020)

  • Circumference (In.): 64"/132"
  • Height (Ft.): 42'/40'
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 36'/31'
  • Total Points: 113/180

More Information

  • Nominated By: Ted Caudle
  • Year Added: 1994
  • Owned By: Fred and Debra Rhoad
  • Current condition: Poor
  • Neighborhood: Oakdale
  • Property Type: Private Home
  • Nearest Address: Private Property
  • Ecological Value: Once mature, Oriental Arborvitae trees have a high tolerance to disease and have few problems. Snow and ice can break the branches in the winter.
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